How to Stop Deforestation
The forests are home to a huge number of living things on our planet, so it is important for us to preserve
forests to preserve life on Earth. By the way, many people also depend on forests for their economic and social activity.
Not only forests, but the trees themselves are very important, as they give us a good climate, clean water, help to maintain the soil in good condition and even help fight pollution of the planet. We, humanity, use the gifts of the forest all the time – both plants and wood, for industry, for food, for medical purposes. So when we cut the forests clean – well, not a good idea for humanity.
Human life on our planet leads to the disappearance of forests, especially the economic and social sphere of activity. The incredible scale of deforestation in the tropics is caused by the need to build ranches and various plantations. The centuries-old forests all over the planet are under threat, since humanity needs a huge amount of paper and wood. The huge increase in fuel costs also leads to a decrease in forests.
Mankind cannot survive without forests on the planet, and now they are in a particularly dangerous situation. in the 21st century, one of the main tasks of mankind is to think about it and do everything necessary to stop the growth of deforestation, protect wildlife, use water wisely, think about saving the climate for our descendants.
A few ideas in this article for everyone to use and contribute to reduce deforestation:
Plant Trees
The simplest action on your part to reduce deforestation is to plant trees. With each tree planted, you can
understand your contribution to climate stabilization: you reduce global warming on the planet, since trees take carbon dioxide, and also add oxygen to the environment.
Another important factor is the presence of roots in trees, and every tree you planted conserves water, since the roots take water flowing down from the mountains and it will not reach the ocean. The roots also fulfill another important mission: they prevent landslides, which are so dangerous for people and animals. It is also very pleasant to walk through the forest and get peace and health.
That is why every tree planted is so important for our humanity. But you can not be limited to one tree, and plant entire parks and forests, as many people do.
Reduce Paper Use
Trees disappear from the planet every minute due to felling so that humanity can use paper. Almost half of all cut wood is used to make paper products. And every year this number increases by 2 – 3%. The huge demand for timber leads to illegal logging of forest areas. For example, about a third of the timber used in Indonesia’s paper mills comes from illegal logging.
Everyone can make an impact on saving trees by reducing their paper consumption. Every leaf you use will provoke deforestation. Therefore, the main thing that you can do is reduce the use of paper in your life, maybe it is worth not printing out the document or e-mail messages again?
A great way to save trees is to recycle paper. Research says that recycling one ton of paper that has already been used will save 17 trees. And these 17 trees a year will remove 250 pounds of carbon dioxide in the air. A few more numbers: If you recycle 10% of the paper that the average US citizen uses in one day, then 25 million trees are protected from being cut down, and they will already save 367 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
Therefore, it is important to show an example of the use of recycled paper products. The label “Made from recycled paper” can help you find such a product. This can be packaging material, toilet paper, paper bags, even books, etc. Therefore, by buying such things, you save forests from extinction and reduce the use of wood.
In this way, you will support waste management organizations and reduce the growth of landfills. That is why the simple act of consuming items made from recycled paper makes an invaluable contribution to reducing pollution, preserving the environment and saving trees.
Another little tip. When buying furniture, pay attention to used items. Even if a product needs a little refurbishment to make it presentable, you will find that this is a cost-effective way to get a unique product for your home or office. In addition, you will reduce the growing demand for wood worldwide.
Eat Less Meat
The land area required to produce a certain amount of protein from animals is much larger than
the area required to produce a similar amount of a substance using plants. Studies show that
incredible areas of land around the planet have been prepared for raising livestock, and 30% of arable land is used to meet the needs of domestic animals for food.
Meanwhile, the demand for edible animal products is growing despite the fact that we have limited
space for livestock farms. We have lost 70% of the Amazon rainforest just to expand our livestock production.
An important action to address this situation is to reduce meat consumption and help reduce meat demand. If you do this, you will indirectly prevent trees from being cut down to clear land for livestock. Being completely vegetarian overnight may not be possible, but reducing the amount of meat on your plate is quite achievable. For example, you might replace a serving of meat with beans every week.
It is also worth remembering that since time immemorial, people have abstained from meat-eating for short periods of time for religious, social or environmental reasons. Those who abstain
from meat for a limited period of time do so to improve their health and cleanse their bodies.
If you practice this, you will greatly contribute to the well-being of our environment.
Talk about It
Most people unknowingly contribute to deforestation because they are not aware of the problem.
Therefore, educational and information programs on deforestation and other environmental issues are of great importance.
People need to be aware of the consequences of activities such as using paper, eating meat, etc.
There are many ways to voice these thoughts, such as writing about it on the Internet, educating your children and family, talking with friends, discussing your actions and plans to reduce deforestation.
Support Organizations Devoted to Stopping Deforestation
You can also save trees by supporting an organization that is committed to stopping deforestation.
You will find organizations at the local, national and international levels that are committed to applying different ways to protect forests.
The list of such organizations includes WWF, Greenpeace, Conservation International, Amazon Watch, Rainforest Alliance to name but a few. Visit their websites and find out their goals and objectives. Show your support by donating money for these purposes. Many of these organizations are looking for people willing to assist them in order to help them achieve their goals. Be aware of and contribute to volunteer activities, get involved.
The smallest step you can take matters, so feel free to do your part to save trees and prevent deforestation.